Portable Kitchen Island – Must-Have For Kitchen Improvements

Most people disregard their portable kitchen island when asked what item they would save in case of emergency. Only few would consider this item as valuable. It is very useful but only few know the reasons why it is important. An island is important kitchen tool. The mobile type of the island is the best alternative if you have smaller kitchen. Mobile island can be pulled out if needed and easily move away if you are finish using it. It will give you better counter space and space for storage.Because of the modern appliances like big refrigerators, large knife blocks and espresso machines, kitchens today are overloaded. These modern appliances are great, but it will completely take over the space you had. If you want to get the counter space back use mobile kitchen type of island. When you are having a party, portable kitchen island would be very useful. It can prepare evening food selection before your guests arrives, it can be use as food table. What you have to do is to put tablecloth on top and roll the kitchen in your patio or living room. Locked the wheels once in place and you are all set.You can also use this as a kitchen cart that can serve as a wonderful workstation and dining. If the island is not in use for meal preparation you can use it as a bar, where you can sit down and enjoy the newspaper and cup of coffee during breakfast. This can serve as table for kids to work on the homework as you do the dishes. With all these useful ideas, you can see now why portable Kitchen Island is important home equipment, and you should definitely have one. So the next time you consider setting up your kitchen do not forget to include in your list this mobile kitchen island.

Internet Marketing Resources for New Internet Marketers

For new internet marketers, finding internet marketing resources that work rather than get in the way can be a daunting task. Months, if not years could be wasted sifting through all of the different options out there for each aspect of your business.It must be a frightening thought for those who have had no internet marketing coaching when they are first faced with the many options out there, many of which are only designed to take the new internet marketers money instead of actually taking an interest in helping them to learn and profit.One of the many internet marketing resources that you are first likely to need is places to write articles that promote your own website. There are all sorts of products out there that promise to do this kind of work for you by mass syndicating articles that are (perhaps) spun to help with originality and deal with duplicate content issues but I would advise avoiding these.While auto syndication of articles may work short-term it is highly likely that the search engines will punish you long-term. If you want to get paid for your work in years to come then it is better to either write these types of articles yourself or look for worthy outsourcing for the project.Once you have these articles, what do you do with them? Submitting them to article directories is a great idea but if you want to get the most benefit for your work then you need to find out where the most popular and trusted article directories are.Here at EzineArticles.com you are onto a winner of course but there are many others, some more effective than others and with advantages such as revenue sharing (HubPages.com being the best of these http://hubpages.com/_userdetails/user/new/ ) or the option to only make a list rather than write a full article. (Think bestreviewer.com http://www.best-reviewer.com/user/register )Find the Best Internet Marketing Training CoursesInternet marketing training courses and/or internet marketing coaching is another area where you could waste a lot of money and months of your time if the course does not work. After trying to make money online myself for years, it has only been during the last year or 2 that I have come across reliable and honest training/coaching and there is almost always 1 or 2 tell-tale signs of an internet marketing training course that works: (You might not like the first by the way)The tell-tail signs of reliable internet marketing training courses and coaching?1) A monthly investment.Why is this better? Well, why the hell would you (or anybody else) continue to pay every month for a pile of crock?2) If there is a thriving community behind the scenes of the internet marketing training course also, you can bet that the system works and that you will profit if you are prepared to put in the necessary work.Be sure to avoid products that promise to ‘do it all for you’ or that ask for a 1 off payment for a PDF that leaves you alone to figure it all out after giving you a few tips. These are likely going to be a waste of your money.WordPress Resources and ChallengesThe final thing I’ll discuss in this article is software for your website. I’m no programmer myself so I (like thousands of other marketers) use WordPress to build my websites. There are literally thousands of WordPress resources out there from which to choose and you can often pick up a free item that will do the job you need quite sufficiently be it a plugin or a theme.One problem that you may also find is that some WordPress resources do not play nicely together. Sometimes one or the other will stop working as it is supposed to. (Or stop working at all) In extreme cases however your whole site can break if the plugins don’t play nice together.My final word on the WordPress resources quandary is that you should find a mentor or become friends with a more experienced internet marketer and ask their advice on how to do something.Where do you find these friends/mentors?When you find the right training course for you, the mentor(s) and friends will naturally follow.Good luck and Godspeed in finding the internet marketing resources that will make your life simpler and more profitable!

Politicians Without Teleprompters – Future Mobile Tech Bring it On!

The new joke for new politicians is; “you had better go to teleprompter school if you wish to make it in politics.” And although that sounds somewhat unfortunate, you must understand that there is a lot of truth to it all. Perhaps, the recent election of a “teleprompted president” whose speaking skills are second to none is a prime example of just how true this really is.Still, in the future this may not be the case, as new technologies are now coming available that will put the information directly into the head of the politician, and all they have to do is say it, kind of like a hearing aid control mechanism. Best of all you won’t even need a smart politician, you can use a robot or a good looking brain dead person to just get up there and say what is now on their mind, or rather being beamed into their mind.Leave it to the handlers or puppet masters to use such technology originally developed by the military to control our elections, politicians, and future robotic android politicians, it’s just amazing, as this is something out of Star Wars isn’t it?Nevertheless, this is the ultimate in personal technology and it is coming to a home town meeting near you. How soon? Soon enough, or too soon depending on whose team you are one when the “dummy” or ventriloquist starts making their momentous and eloquent speeches at that podium. And please let’s not shoot the messenger, I just write about personal tech, and this was not one of my inventions or applications for this technology. Please think on that.